

I had a lot of neck tension and couldn’t move my neck properly. After the first treatment Sue had managed to release most of the tension which enabled me to regain most movement. After just three thorough sessions she helped bring back flexibility and full range of movement to my whole body making it a lot easier to carry out daily physical work. Mike Weeks


Due to my previous occupation, my back endured an extreme amount of pressure and the muscles constantly were tight and painful especially when I had to rely on support from my back. While having treatment, using deep massage, it started to feel a lot looser and more comfortable. I don’t feel tense or sore in my back any more. I feel I have a positive flow of energy running through my muscles which feels fantastic! I am therefore able to carry on with life without major pain, Thanks Sue x


With a long standing injury to my neck and shoulder, Sue has used a combination of treatments on me; Reiki, Reflexology, and mostly deep tissue massage. It has been a long process, but improvement has been steady. Always very pleasant Sue has worked hard to substantially reduce the pain I have felt. Pam Wright


Dear Sue …..First of all I would like to say a big THANK YOU! From the moment I stepped into the Therapy room I felt a sense of peace and tranquillity. Your warmth shines through and I could feel your healing presence even before you touched me. You are truly gifted….the massage was deep and warming and at times painful, but I say ‘no pain, no gain!’ Deep seated blockages soon dispersed and I felt my frozen shoulder melt! Your aftercare was professional and I would certainly book you again. Much love to you and Thanks again! Claire Randall


I was very concerned about a holiday I was going on…I don’t like Flying! I don’t like leaving my family behind, also, working part time, there’s always so much to do before I go. When I had a Reiki session with you sue, my very first ever Reiki experience, I was so relaxed about our trip, I slept so much throughout the first week. Total melt down! On returning I had my second Reiki healing and this time I had the feeling I was floating on a wave. I am now much calmer, making time for Me! I’m also sleeping far better and not getting so many headaches……Thank you so much Sue x   Love Cynthia McGinness


For all you have done for me….. I don’t know how this happened, but I suddenly found I could not move my right arm. I was in so much pain that I went to my Doctor who suggested I had an injection in my shoulder. I wasn’t very happy because I thought that would only cure the pain. You were then recommended to me via my hairdresser. Sue, I have had eight treatments and my arm/shoulder is 100% better. What you did, hurt a little, but it was worth it! I have written this with my right hand, before that Sue I couldn’t hold a comb or even comb my hair. Many thanks! I shall continue coming to you just to be spoilt! Audrey Brook


I first contacted Sue because of acute low back pain which was interfering with my hobby of horse-riding. She treated me using Sports Injury massage and she was as effective as any of the osteopaths I have used over the last thirty years. I learned that Sue uses a range of treatments for different clients and one at least which requires no direct hands on contact. I think that the most notable thing about Sue is how tactful and sympathetic she is and demonstrates that her main desire is to make her clients feel better and get better. Nick White


I have had a problem with my sciatic nerve for a number of years… With deep massage from Sue this has now gone. I have had numerous massages from different people and have never been so satisfied, as now. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!.. I also have been under severe stress with caring for elderly parents, so can recommend Indian Head Massage plus Reiki….AMAZING!! Thank you Sue x  Jane Stevens

Testimonials for Remote Healing & Clearing

Testimonial by Annelie

I first came to Sue for massage therapy around five years ago after being recommended by a friend. I soon realised that not only was Sue a great massage therapist, but she is also a very gifted spiritual healer.

Sue has carried out a lot of spiritual healing work on me over the past few years as part of our treatments which I have found extremely effective. More recently, Sue has helped a number of my friends through distance healing by removing negative energy, attachments and entities.

Sue’s work has become more powerful over the years and I feel that some of the spiritual distance healing that she is able to carry out is very unique. Sue is very gifted and is able to effectively remove unwanted energy, attachments and entities through distant methods by seeing a photo of a person or using their name and address to connect to their higher selves to carry out the healing work and clearing.

I have also invited Sue to come and provide therapies on my yoga retreats and everyone who received a treatment from Sue was very complimentary. Thank you, Sue, for all your on-going support. You do a great job.

Testimonial by Lois Clarke

I have undertaken therapy from Sue for a few years, mainly for Massage, Reiki, and Reflexology to ease leg and back pain. This has helped to maintain body, mind and general health. Sue is professional, caring, sympathetic and very knowledgeable. 

During the lockdown I have had bouts of debilitating pain, meaning at one point, I had to hold onto the banister to enable me safe navigation of my stairs. I have called upon Sue on both lockdown periods to see if she could offer me distant healing and on both occasions my pain decreased. 

I am so grateful for the support and healing that she has been able to offer. 

 "I can recommend Sue's distant healing very highly indeed! It has had a profound effect on me. Everything Sue described was accurate and happened exactly as she said.


I feel that some things that were deeply embedded in me have shifted for the good forever. Many weeks after the healing, I still feel that I have truly moved along both spiritually and emotionally - and even physical healthwise too.


It has also had a knock-on effect on my life in other ways. I have more energy, purpose and focus and a better balance all round. For example, I have been moved to make sustained efforts to improve relationships, address my health issues and also start decluttering. At last!

Some very deep things have really begun healing inside.

So, thank you very much Sue."

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