Indian Head Massage

What is Indian Head Massage?

This is evolved tradition practiced in India for over a thousand years & is an extremely effective therapy. Treatment involves a varied range of massage techniques which is carried out on areas of the scalp, face, neck, shoulders, upper arms and upper back. The client being seated in an upright position, wearing light clothing. The effects often brings immediate relief.

Massage is particularly effective upon stressed muscle groups especially the neck & shoulders. Muscle tension is released & flexibility and fluidity is restored.

Benefits of Indian Head Massage

Relaxes the whole body, providing immediate relief

Increases oxygen through the tissues & brain

Disperses build-up of toxins from muscles

Loosens the scalp

Restore joint & muscle mobility

A feeling of relaxation, rejuvenating & uplifted-ness can be endured

What is Indian Head Massage good for?

Stress related problems

Tension headaches


Lack of sleep

Congestion in head & face

Eye strain

Earache & other related problems

Aching jaws, facial aches (from grinding teeth)

Increasing blood circulation

Hair disorders, including hair loss

Scalp tension


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